On-Demand Webinar

Human-inspired generative design


Human-Inspired Generative Design monolith webinar with NAFEMS

‍Generative design is a design exploration process where engineers can input their design goals into the generative design software, along with parameters such as performance, materials, manufacturing methods, and cost constraints and the software then explores all the possible permutations of a solution and suggests a list of optimal design.

The quality of solutions suggested by generative design software has improved dramatically over the last years for structural analysis, but not in fluid or aerodynamic analysis. In this talk, we showed how deep learning tools borrowed from image processing can allow engineers to build their own generative designs solutions that also work for fluid dynamics problems.


Monolith enables engineers all over the world to:

  • Understand physically intractable problems
  • Fully explore multiple virtual test scenarios
  • Reduce costs and time investment throughout the whole R&D cycle
  • Increase confidence in predictions & recommendations on which tests to run next

Who should watch?

Engineers spending time doing repetitive, costly & time-intensive tests

Engineers working on cutting edge projects and products in the pharma sector

Engineers who want to test less, learn more, and explore their test data

Anyone interested in using self-learning models for complex systems